Thursday, April 14, 2022

Cha-Ching (!) Chong Cena

Remember that era when pretty much all of the pro "wrasslers" acts out there were based on the fact that the he-man was always angry, violent and scary? Well, this supposed "tough guy" is the modern day personification of the pussyfication of the American male as far as I can tell. What has happened to these days to alleged current masculine offspring of the likes of legendary leading men like a brash and bold Charlton Heston or John Wayne? Just who in the hell are these new fangled AmeriKKKan macho men these days? Well, pretty much all of them are eventually "groomed" to become freshly scrubbed super heroes prototypes for the Mandarin Movie Market by the moola driven vampires that preside over the Hollywood studios. And therein lies the rub-a good rubbing will eventually turn red just like the Chinese flag but the most important color in the end as we all know is green in this story and most every other one in our day and age.

See, our offending suspect in question here is just another in a burgeoning class of "actors" who start out their "acting" careers "acting" like "apes" and "monkeying around" in the ring for the likes of the WWF, WWE and other Professional Wrestling touring carnivals where, as we all know, the fix is in but that is no problema for the unwashed masses that eat this mindless shit up. Thus, to sell the "act", the players need to develop some serious "fakir" chops in order to then parlay and further monetize said chops into a lucrative and certainly less painful "crossover" career as a Hollywood actor and these rings are the best places to practice their fresh, new craft for their future fortunes-typically in the moviehouse equivalent of the WWE-Superhero Movies-where the results are also pre-determined and the good guys always win as well. Hell, his first cinematic vehicle was produced by WWE Studios, The Marine, which was distributed theatrically by 20th Century Fox America in late 2006!

These are two forms of adult entertainment (aka-wrestling and super hero flicks) that I know next to nothing about and have zero interest in-much like gambling-since you pretty much already know what the outcome will be in each so that's kinda boring. The good guy (like Johnny Boy here) almost always wins in the ring whereas, the house (aka: the bad guy) almost always wins over time if you lay down enough bets. Sorry, no thanks-I'll stick with spanking the monkey instead if and when given a choice.

So naturally I had absolutely no idea who this guy was until he started randomly showing up as a character actor in various "rom-com-action" flicks over the past decade or so and then naturally was promoting them on late night comedy show circuit before he became HUGE-in the realm of public recognition (no word on his actual thespian skillz-as if that really matters to the power that be in LaLaLand). Just a clean cut, nice guy, muscle dude who helps old ladies cross the street and then is able to instantly pivot to bustin' heads and crackin' jokes over the course of a generally plotless 90 minutes of seat time. All good fun so far, right?

Not so fast. Now it's one thing to piss off a furry gang of 3rd Wave Feminists or the Southern Poverty League in AmeriKKKa. Alas, it is on a whole 'nother level when it is the Chinese Communist Party! In case you haven't heard already, you never want to piss them off or you may end up like this Huài nǚ hái.

Yes, the CCP likes criticism about as much as a Polack likes to read. Our "superhero" was on a WWE Promo tour last year and had the audacity to say that Taiwan was actually a country-you know, a true fact.

Taiwan is an island called the Republic of China (ROC) whereas the big ass mainland China who always strikes fear into our hearts and minds is called the People's Republic of China (PRC). Two different countries but still all Chinks but who do not see eye to eye politically at all. In short, the PRC doesn't even recognize the existence of the ROC. That is a whole other background story mostly related to political fallout after WWII but suffice it to say that the recent history is highly charged, complicated and contentious.

The Super Stud said "Taiwan will be the first "country" to watch Fast 9, the Fast and Furious franchise's latest sequel" back in the middle of 2021. That's it. Nothing to see here, right? Nope-such an egregious and extreme faux pas is utterly unacceptable if the offended party is the CCP-particularly these days.

The backlash was loco, with many even threatening to call off the film's screening in Taiwan. Taiwan, allowed to govern itself since 1949, has not been allowed official recognition on international platforms.

So the douche and his handlers decide to immediately capitulate before he gets lambasted like Daryl Morey, at the time the GM of the Houston Rockets, did when he dared to criticize the CCP about their long track record of not being very nice-particularly in Hong Kong just months before the Ching Chong virus was released and shared kindly with all of humanity.. 

Here is his apology - in actual Mandarin! I mean, shit, the dude was already pro-actively studying it a few years ago on his own!

Pretty pathetic seeing a big ass Macho Marine muscle man tough guy feebly kowtowing to all of the (mental) midgets running the CCP, no? Looks like a POW making a forced confession under duress just after he shit his pants. Hell, he even got mocked by ninety-eight pound limey British weakling talk show host and alleged comedian, HBO's John Oliver, on Last Week Tonight. Ouch.

But Cena is no dummy-at least when it comes to his finances v. his integrity. He put out that 1 minute mea culpa about a year ago and all is well again for him and his overlords running the Mandarin Movie Market-MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. He has returned to making millions of greenbacks churning out turgid LowComDom popcorn fare and they have returned to focusing on more important things like the completion of the Uyghur Genocide. So everyone and everything wins in this death cage macho pissing match! Well, everything except for Cena's sense of manliness. That has clearly been canceled forever and is never coming back. For that, he has officially "tapped out".

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Cha-Ching (!) Chong Cena

Remember that era when pretty much all of the pro "wrasslers" acts out there were based on the fact that the he-man was always ang...