Wait! Say it ain’t so! A well known LGBTQ-LMNOP fag hag and same sex marriage rights advocate was actually canceled for being mean to that dirty yellow bastard who shall not be named, Donald Trump. Que?! How is that even possible? And doesn’t this “act” actually happening in this reality violate the spirit and goals of the cancel culture industrial complex to do so at all? I mean, can you really cancel a dual minority? After all she is a womyn and a ginger and seemingly bi. And this was all the way back in ancient times-a ½ decade ago!
So yes indeed as we can now see, anyone can get canceled-no, there is no requirement that one be an old white man though obviously it is greatly preferred. Think of occurrences like this happening to be on the same precipice as those hot and sweaty ancient Hawaiians sacrificing a young virgin (female naturally) to appease their tiki gods by chucking her into the open fire pit that is volcano Mauna Loa for no rational reason whatsoever. Only she isn’t young and she isn’t a virgin-far from it.
Kathy Griffin first gained a modicum of notoriety as a comedienne in the 80s (proper feminine spelling per good ol’ Merriam Webster), an actress in random Hollywood roles and later, in general, as a typical post-modern day “celebrity” hob-nobbing with the glitterati and the elite, including being BFFs w/the likes of Jerry Seinfeld and Joan Rivers, as well as the likes of totally gay outliers like Anderson Cooper and Rosie O’Donnell, as a “talking head” (who really never stops talking-she may have been physically born outside of the Hog Butchering Capital of the World, aka the Windy City, but her shrill, Valley Girl accented, hyper deep and obnoxiously loud masculine voice tells us otherwise-the ginga really had to have been born in either the Bronx or Brooklyn or maybe Staten Island) on a variety of variety shows including “The View” (which sadly I have never watched if you can believe that) as well as her OWN “reality” show “Kathy Griffin: My Life On The D-List” (which sadly I have never watched if you can believe that but she has actually won Primetime Emmys for it-I would not know this because I have never watched the Emmys, let alone the Oscars).
So this is the OUTRAGEOUS stunt she pulled off with intent as you may recall back in 17’ shortly after a certain “Mr. Potato Head” somehow got erected, I mean elected, POTUS.
I’m sorry but is there a problem here, CNN? Not according to the legal eagles at USA Today:
The photograph did not directly threaten the president and it didn't urge other people to harm him,
"People are allowed to wish the president dead," up to the point they express a real intent to harm him.
Um, right, nothing to see here. HELLO PEOPLE! She is a comedienne. CNN-you hired a comedienne-HELLO! She, like all other comedians, “attempt” to do comedy-you know, tell jokes. Some work, some don’t-get over it. Something, throughout history, that humans, in general, like to do (well unless you are in antifa or the Democratic Party).
I do admit that there was a time prior to the current century where I did find her act very edgy and funny but not really always ready for the big leagues in comedy-more like Bill Maher with his biting witticism, sarcasm and devil may care non-PC attitude unlike the more mainstream and safe work of the aforementioned Jerry Seinfeld. In hindsight, I argue that she would be better off today (though probably not financially) if she had just stuck with the comedy act say a peer like Lisa Lampanella-aka the Queen of Mean, touring, taping cable specials and perhaps the random character actress role in flicks NOT beholden to major corporate media overlords like say Dave Chappelle (oops!) instead of trying to be some sort of celebrity pundit, commentator, gladhander or backslapper or whatever one does on network talk shows and the like these days.
And with her often nasty act back in the day (she has actually been banned from certain clubs, theaters AND TV shows for the crime of “not being politically correct”-and that is clearly a no-no in the realm of laughs these days yet again unfortunately), I admit to actually finding her kinda hot in a fully on skanky sort of way (kinda like Juliette Lewis at her sluttiest) back in her prime even though I actually thought she was always really deep down a lesbo (WHICH she is not-who knew, right? My research shows she was “steady” with that totally svelte hottie-Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak back in the oughts and that was actually married to Full Metal Jacket lead Matthew Modine before that and was recently re-married-talk about a NON-fag hag!). In her prime, yes, it is possible she gave me a wet dream-or two-and it may or may not have involved a strap on. After all, I can’t be sure-I was DREAMING.
Like a lot of celebrities, once you bath in the limelight, it is hard to then shower in the dark. And thus bad decisions and bad shit like this tends to happen. Perhaps grasping at straws after the zenith of her popularity in the oughts, well, the 10s naturally saw the shine come off some as she of course aged (rarely a good thing for a female in her line of work-the realm of fantasy) and her tried and true shtick was wearing thin-before this cancellation happened she did not have a new comedy special from 14’-16’’-after having 8 from 11’-13’.
Again, nothing to see here. I am a huge comedy fan. I am a huge fan of the First Amendment. I proclaim George Carlin to be the GOAT in the realm of professional comedy and heck, back in the 70s not even he was canceled after saying the 7 words you can’t say on television on television (well, of sorts-it was recorded as part of a special but what not shown on one of the 3 major networks at the time naturally).
The Donald is a clown. He was running his version of one of his clown colleges-only it was called the US AND A. She was holding his clown head. Cool. And this got her canned from the cancellers at CNN? Really? That must have been really tough for them-eating their own. I bet it was delicious. Probably as delicious as Drumphead’s Soup. But the message was clear and now the precedent was set. We are CNN and we are proving we can get anyone canceled-even one of our own just as an example who maybe has done more for the LGBTQ-LMNOP community over the past few decades than just about anyone else-so everyone ELSE had better watch out NOW. That threat was made clear all the way back in the dark ages of 17’-and since then the clear light of the void has come out of the closet when it comes to free speech (bad) and thus her cancellation was a clear harbinger of what was to come since those blissful salad days of yore prior to the cultural hysteria that has tormented the US and the rest of the Western World ever since to the consternation of any normal non-nanny state, non-bleeding heart, non-do-gooder good human.
She has recently and clearly learned her lesson as she has censored herself from ever again using a whole lot of funny (I mean bad) terms for her beloved butt buds in the LGBTQ-LMNOP gang:
It’s now kinda like it was with her peer in the talking head talk show world Okra Winfrey but in a completely twisted sort of way. ”And you get a new cancellation AND you get a new cancellation AND you get a new cancellation! Woo-hoo!” Whereas all she really deserved was a good spanking-just as I got when I was a bad little boy. So while she may not have the career she had before she is still out & about & selling the latest version of her shtick because we all know that AmeriKKKa is the land of second acts.