Thursday, April 14, 2022

Cha-Ching (!) Chong Cena

Remember that era when pretty much all of the pro "wrasslers" acts out there were based on the fact that the he-man was always angry, violent and scary? Well, this supposed "tough guy" is the modern day personification of the pussyfication of the American male as far as I can tell. What has happened to these days to alleged current masculine offspring of the likes of legendary leading men like a brash and bold Charlton Heston or John Wayne? Just who in the hell are these new fangled AmeriKKKan macho men these days? Well, pretty much all of them are eventually "groomed" to become freshly scrubbed super heroes prototypes for the Mandarin Movie Market by the moola driven vampires that preside over the Hollywood studios. And therein lies the rub-a good rubbing will eventually turn red just like the Chinese flag but the most important color in the end as we all know is green in this story and most every other one in our day and age.

See, our offending suspect in question here is just another in a burgeoning class of "actors" who start out their "acting" careers "acting" like "apes" and "monkeying around" in the ring for the likes of the WWF, WWE and other Professional Wrestling touring carnivals where, as we all know, the fix is in but that is no problema for the unwashed masses that eat this mindless shit up. Thus, to sell the "act", the players need to develop some serious "fakir" chops in order to then parlay and further monetize said chops into a lucrative and certainly less painful "crossover" career as a Hollywood actor and these rings are the best places to practice their fresh, new craft for their future fortunes-typically in the moviehouse equivalent of the WWE-Superhero Movies-where the results are also pre-determined and the good guys always win as well. Hell, his first cinematic vehicle was produced by WWE Studios, The Marine, which was distributed theatrically by 20th Century Fox America in late 2006!

These are two forms of adult entertainment (aka-wrestling and super hero flicks) that I know next to nothing about and have zero interest in-much like gambling-since you pretty much already know what the outcome will be in each so that's kinda boring. The good guy (like Johnny Boy here) almost always wins in the ring whereas, the house (aka: the bad guy) almost always wins over time if you lay down enough bets. Sorry, no thanks-I'll stick with spanking the monkey instead if and when given a choice.

So naturally I had absolutely no idea who this guy was until he started randomly showing up as a character actor in various "rom-com-action" flicks over the past decade or so and then naturally was promoting them on late night comedy show circuit before he became HUGE-in the realm of public recognition (no word on his actual thespian skillz-as if that really matters to the power that be in LaLaLand). Just a clean cut, nice guy, muscle dude who helps old ladies cross the street and then is able to instantly pivot to bustin' heads and crackin' jokes over the course of a generally plotless 90 minutes of seat time. All good fun so far, right?

Not so fast. Now it's one thing to piss off a furry gang of 3rd Wave Feminists or the Southern Poverty League in AmeriKKKa. Alas, it is on a whole 'nother level when it is the Chinese Communist Party! In case you haven't heard already, you never want to piss them off or you may end up like this Huài nǚ hái.

Yes, the CCP likes criticism about as much as a Polack likes to read. Our "superhero" was on a WWE Promo tour last year and had the audacity to say that Taiwan was actually a country-you know, a true fact.

Taiwan is an island called the Republic of China (ROC) whereas the big ass mainland China who always strikes fear into our hearts and minds is called the People's Republic of China (PRC). Two different countries but still all Chinks but who do not see eye to eye politically at all. In short, the PRC doesn't even recognize the existence of the ROC. That is a whole other background story mostly related to political fallout after WWII but suffice it to say that the recent history is highly charged, complicated and contentious.

The Super Stud said "Taiwan will be the first "country" to watch Fast 9, the Fast and Furious franchise's latest sequel" back in the middle of 2021. That's it. Nothing to see here, right? Nope-such an egregious and extreme faux pas is utterly unacceptable if the offended party is the CCP-particularly these days.

The backlash was loco, with many even threatening to call off the film's screening in Taiwan. Taiwan, allowed to govern itself since 1949, has not been allowed official recognition on international platforms.

So the douche and his handlers decide to immediately capitulate before he gets lambasted like Daryl Morey, at the time the GM of the Houston Rockets, did when he dared to criticize the CCP about their long track record of not being very nice-particularly in Hong Kong just months before the Ching Chong virus was released and shared kindly with all of humanity.. 

Here is his apology - in actual Mandarin! I mean, shit, the dude was already pro-actively studying it a few years ago on his own!

Pretty pathetic seeing a big ass Macho Marine muscle man tough guy feebly kowtowing to all of the (mental) midgets running the CCP, no? Looks like a POW making a forced confession under duress just after he shit his pants. Hell, he even got mocked by ninety-eight pound limey British weakling talk show host and alleged comedian, HBO's John Oliver, on Last Week Tonight. Ouch.

But Cena is no dummy-at least when it comes to his finances v. his integrity. He put out that 1 minute mea culpa about a year ago and all is well again for him and his overlords running the Mandarin Movie Market-MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. He has returned to making millions of greenbacks churning out turgid LowComDom popcorn fare and they have returned to focusing on more important things like the completion of the Uyghur Genocide. So everyone and everything wins in this death cage macho pissing match! Well, everything except for Cena's sense of manliness. That has clearly been canceled forever and is never coming back. For that, he has officially "tapped out".

Monday, April 11, 2022

Baby Blackface

Remember when you were a kiddo doing all kinds of stupid and just plain “wrong” shit when you were out sowing your wild oats and whatnot long before everyone held a mini-instant camera in their paw? Ah, the good ol’ days. Ain’t so good now anymore, is it? As a latch key rapscallion of sorts in my teen years back in the 70s there was no end to our freedom to fuck around and fuck up. The problem now in the age of wokeism for our Furry Little Lord Fauntleroy here is that he committed his most unacceptable transgression (as in it turns out he decided it would be just jim-dandy to outfit his pretty, pretty face in blackface THREE official times though he could not RECALL how many times at first!) right around the time digital cameras were just becoming popular in the late 90s-bummer man.

The Froggy Fresh Prince of Canucklandia is our first politician on this virginal checklist yet already the SECOND Canadian just 5 weeks into our honorable checklist-Oh Canada, indeed! Naturally this is the sort of scandal that always happens when you are modern presidential royalty like the Bushes by proxy-in this case Canadian Royalty as his old man is infamous Pierre Trudeau who was their Prime Minister as well back in the wild 70s and early 80s for 16 years (!) and is said to have even dated Barbara Streisand in the days before those nasty cameras were everywhere. It is alleged that Justin’s pere committed a hell of a lot more questionable acts than this that of course have still gone unpunished over time due to a “lack of physical evidence”.

Regardless, it is clear that our modern metrosexual mofo was clearly overdoing it with the blackface. It would have been so much better (and accurate) if he gotten a different tint and gone in “brownface” if he wanted folks to really believe he was an A-rab or whatnot at that swell and posh party at that private school. 

Further, he might have been given a pass if these types of hi-jinx were happening when he was still in grade school or even college for example. BUT the last of the three occurred in 2001 when he was 29 years old, ready to turn 30! To quote his peer, Sleepy Joe, "Come on, man!". Really? And to claim that he didn’t know how many times he had done so in TOTAL (“like hey man, for sure once or twice, definitely, maybe 3 or more-heck maybe a dozen -but how can I really be sure, can you dig, brothers and sisters?”) is really friggin’ hilarious considering the last events in question happened WAY after his teenage years.

Hell, I was smart enough at 18 to realize doing such a potentially explosive thing should probably be put to a halt after the first time. Like that time during my freshman year at college when at the last minute in the dorm, my roommate and I decided to dress up as the Third Reich for the dorm Halloween party. Look, it was easy and we were lazy-we already had the black trench coats, gloves and combat boots as honorable Joy Division fans/comrades.

All we really needed was some cardboard and markers (provided by our hall’s Resident Advisor-danke!) for our disposable swastika armbands-piece of cake! Sure, we got some nasty looks throughout the soiree but I don’t recall any real fallout at the time or even later-all in good fun, right Justin? Well, after some soul searching the next day, we both decided to put that type of costume to sleep for good-and we weren't even out of our teens yet.

Naturally, he plays the White Privilege card, I mean excuse, when he says privileged upbringing is "a massive blind spot" "-so very woke, indeed. Well, then isn’t it certainly ironic that he has been completely successful in using that privilege and power to remain in power? After all, we all know that is how it works in the blurred world of politics and celebrity.

Heck, even this other Canadian legend like Don Cherry couldn’t knock him off of his bully pulpit when the following came to attention in 2016, just three years before the blackface brewhaha. Hell, Justin and I have something in common here-we both don Native American First Nations style tats that are based on Robert Davidson's designs. The irony here w/the Old Injun's take is that both Baby Blackface and I (I lived in the Pacific Northwest for over a decade and learned the craft of this style of woodcarving) do this out of respect for the art and the culture so he just doesn't get it but at his age I get it-it's cultural appropriate these days still as it seemingly has been for decades as opposed to the beauty of cross-cultural pollination, not "cultural love and respect". 

You know sometimes you can't win for losing-can I get an amen?t least this silly ol' petition only got less than 2K e-signatures-clearly showing this type of wokeism is a complete dead end if not a full on carnival ride to hell.

So in the end when it comes to those who's modern day job is not really to just report on the news anymore but weigh in on it, well, since they are transparent about being opinion pieces, its compelling that the take coming from the Canuck dude writing for the Chicago Tribune is all about understanding and forgiveness (certainly not typical AmeriKKKan traits), it is the voice of all things Canadian at the Toronto Sun who naturally is not forgiving Justin and calling for his complete political cancellation.

Alas, come last September, the golden faced boy won his third term as Prime Minister-the man is "just" in the winner's circle even when he is so wrong as his minions "poo-poo" this trio of incidents quietly as I guess schoolboy transgressions of just "boys" being "boys".

In the end, we get the same old lesson-that is while it is certainly clear you can't cancel this boy as he only gets stronger as these election results show-he did recently get a campaign event last August canceled so I guess that's a start, right? It that had happened to Trump, it would have been the onset of Armageddon.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Kathy Griffin Loves Head

Wait! Say it ain’t so! A well known LGBTQ-LMNOP fag hag and same sex marriage rights advocate was actually canceled for being mean to that dirty yellow bastard who shall not be named, Donald Trump. Que?! How is that even possible? And doesn’t this “act” actually happening in this reality violate the spirit and goals of the cancel culture industrial complex to do so at all? I mean, can you really cancel a dual minority? After all she is a womyn and a ginger and seemingly bi. And this was all the way back in ancient times-a ½ decade ago!

So yes indeed as we can now see, anyone can get canceled-no, there is no requirement that one be an old white man though obviously it is greatly preferred. Think of occurrences like this happening to be on the same precipice as those hot and sweaty ancient Hawaiians sacrificing a young virgin (female naturally) to appease their tiki gods by chucking her into the open fire pit that is volcano Mauna Loa for no rational reason whatsoever. Only she isn’t young and she isn’t a virgin-far from it.

Kathy Griffin first gained a modicum of notoriety as a comedienne in the 80s (proper feminine spelling per good ol’ Merriam Webster), an actress in random Hollywood roles and later, in general, as a typical post-modern day “celebrity” hob-nobbing with the glitterati and the elite, including being BFFs w/the likes of Jerry Seinfeld and Joan Rivers, as well as the likes of totally gay outliers like Anderson Cooper and Rosie O’Donnell, as a “talking head” (who really never stops talking-she may have been physically born outside of the Hog Butchering Capital of the World, aka the Windy City, but her shrill, Valley Girl accented, hyper deep and obnoxiously loud masculine voice tells us otherwise-the ginga really had to have been born in either the Bronx or Brooklyn or maybe Staten Island) on a variety of variety shows including “The View” (which sadly I have never watched if you can believe that) as well as her OWN “reality” show “Kathy Griffin: My Life On The D-List”  (which sadly I have never watched if you can believe that but she has actually won Primetime Emmys for it-I would not know this because I have never watched the Emmys, let alone the Oscars).

So this is the OUTRAGEOUS stunt she pulled off with intent as you may recall back in 17’ shortly after a certain “Mr. Potato Head” somehow got erected, I mean elected, POTUS.

I’m sorry but is there a problem here, CNN?  Not according to the legal eagles at USA Today:

The photograph did not directly threaten the president and it didn't urge other people to harm him, 

"People are allowed to wish the president dead," up to the point they express a real intent to harm him. 

Um, right, nothing to see here. HELLO PEOPLE! She is a comedienne. CNN-you hired a comedienne-HELLO! She, like all other comedians, “attempt” to do comedy-you know, tell jokes. Some work, some don’t-get over it. Something, throughout history, that humans, in general, like to do (well unless you are in antifa or the Democratic Party).

I do admit that there was a time prior to the current century where I did find her act very edgy and funny but not really always ready for the big leagues in comedy-more like Bill Maher with his biting witticism, sarcasm and devil may care non-PC attitude unlike the more mainstream and safe work of the aforementioned Jerry Seinfeld. In hindsight, I argue that she would be better off today (though probably not financially) if she had just stuck with the comedy act say a peer like Lisa Lampanella-aka the Queen of Mean, touring, taping cable specials and perhaps the random character actress role in flicks NOT beholden to major corporate media overlords like say Dave Chappelle (oops!) instead of trying to be some sort of celebrity pundit, commentator, gladhander or backslapper or whatever one does on network talk shows and the like these days.

And with her often nasty act back in the day (she has actually been banned from certain clubs, theaters AND TV shows for the crime of “not being politically correct”-and that is clearly a no-no in the realm of laughs these days yet again unfortunately), I admit to actually finding her kinda hot in a fully on skanky sort of way (kinda like Juliette Lewis at her sluttiest) back in her prime even though I actually thought she was always really deep down a lesbo (WHICH she is not-who knew, right? My research shows she was “steady” with that totally svelte hottie-Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak back in the oughts and that was actually married to Full Metal Jacket lead Matthew Modine before that and was recently re-married-talk about a NON-fag hag!). In her prime, yes, it is possible she gave me a wet dream-or two-and it may or may not have involved a strap on. After all, I can’t be sure-I was DREAMING.

Like a lot of celebrities, once you bath in the limelight, it is hard to then shower in the dark. And thus bad decisions and bad shit like this tends to happen. Perhaps grasping at straws after the zenith of her popularity in the oughts, well, the 10s naturally saw the shine come off some as she of course aged (rarely a good thing for a female in her line of work-the realm of fantasy) and her tried and true shtick was wearing thin-before this cancellation happened she did not have a new comedy special from 14’-16’’-after having 8 from 11’-13’.

Again, nothing to see here. I am a huge comedy fan. I am a huge fan of  the First Amendment. I proclaim George Carlin to be the GOAT in the realm of professional comedy and heck, back in the 70s not even he was canceled after saying the 7 words you can’t say on television on television (well, of sorts-it was recorded as part of a special but what not shown on one of the 3 major networks at the time naturally).


The Donald is a clown. He was running his version of one of his clown colleges-only it was called the US AND A. She was holding his clown head. Cool. And this got her canned from the cancellers at CNN? Really? That must have been really tough for them-eating their own. I bet it was delicious. Probably as delicious as Drumphead’s Soup. But the message was clear and now the precedent was set. We are CNN and we are proving we can get anyone canceled-even one of our own just as an example who maybe has done more for the LGBTQ-LMNOP community over the past few decades than just about anyone else-so everyone ELSE had better watch out NOW. That threat was made clear all the way back in the dark ages of 17’-and since then the clear light of the void has come out of the closet when it comes to free speech (bad) and thus her cancellation was a clear harbinger of what was to come since those blissful salad days of yore prior to the cultural hysteria that has tormented the US and the rest of the Western World ever since to the consternation of any normal non-nanny state, non-bleeding heart, non-do-gooder good human.

She has recently and clearly learned her lesson as she has censored herself from ever again using  a whole lot of funny (I mean bad) terms for her beloved butt buds in the LGBTQ-LMNOP gang:

It’s now kinda like it was with her peer in the talking head talk show world Okra Winfrey but in a completely twisted sort of way. ”And you get a new cancellation AND you get a new cancellation AND you get a new cancellation! Woo-hoo!” Whereas all she really deserved was a good spanking-just as I got when I was a bad little boy. So while she may not have the career she had before she is still out & about & selling the latest version of her shtick because we all know that AmeriKKKa is the land of second acts.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Can We Af"ford" This?

 “Young man,” Henry Ford snapped at a rural schoolhouse, “I invented the modern age.”This is, of course, a crazy quip. Or would be were it not pretty much true.

In honor of the Ford Motor Company actually finally releasing in early 22’ a cool, faithful retro reboot in the sharply designed Bronco (Chrysler Dodge beat them to it a long time ago with the Challenger back in 08’ and I can’t think of a recent design of theirs that is not total garbage say for the GT but this is a reboot as well though not a mass market one), we pivot to this great yet highly controversial AmeriKKKan legend-yet another white Anglo-Saxon style angry old man like Gilbert and Grapes but who can’t defend himself unlike them because he croaked a long time ago.

First, as a long suffering Detroit Lions (aka the Same Ol’ Lions-SOLs) fan (well, my whole life at least since I can recall pretty well going back to about age 7 w/Greg Landry under center so now ½ a century) I can argue he should be canceled forever ex post facto simply for fact that generations of his direct offspring who have allegedly owned and "run/managed" the SOLs solo since 1963-NOT the typical reason to do so in this day and age. They have arguably been the biggest No Fun League joke during that time w/only the Cleveland Browns being in the running based on wins and losses and pain and suffering and TVs destroyed during Sunday afternoons-but I digress.

And the fact that he never really seemed like a jovial gent (but he did dig square dancing-yee haw”!). But, for good or for bad or otherwise, he attained genius level due to him being universally recognized as the creator of the functioning mass production assembly line for cars and thus for a plethora of other products over time. And in particular, us AmeriKKKans love our automobiles, particularly our muscle cars of yore and lore, including yours truly, so we do owe a huge debt to him for our freedom to drive and ride without being hassled by the man, man. And arguably, he is Detroit, aka “Motown” as in the Motor City-his fingerprints are everywhere-my hometown was once called the “Paris of the Midwest” for about a ½ century starting in the roaring 20s until white flight in the 60s.

Yes, there are all those nasty anti-Semitic diatribes in his at one time nearly million circulation newspaper The Independent, which were published in the early 20s just after WWI when I guess those in both government and corporate power needed a new bogeyman after the war to order to sell the pulp and required paranoia-naturally this bashing of a “tribe” of people during that day and age was not an unpopular sentiment. And as we all know, the Jews were and have been the “go to” bogeyman until recent times for Whitey…(well, unless one is Arab-or Black or Asian, etc. but I digress yet again):

From the folks at  …and least admirable aspect of Ford’s career was his descent into anti-Semitism.  Convinced that “bankers” and “the Jews” were responsible for a whole range of things he didn’t like, from the world war to short skirts to jazz music, Ford used his newspaper, the Dearborn Independent, to carry on an active anti-Semitic campaign.  Between 1920 and 1922 a series of articles denounced all things Jewish.  While officially apologizing for the articles in 1927, Ford’s anti-Jewish sentiments ran deep.

And since our public school system of total indoctrination along with our mainstream mass media since the boom of daily newspapers around the turn of the 20th century has been implemented successfully over the past century or so, it looks like Henry was no dummy just like William Randolph Hearst when it came using a tabloid to push certain agendas-you can argue he was just ahead of his time-see Ted Turner and Rupert Murdoch even if he did say of sorts that “history is bunk”.

After all, JD Rockefeller, who was the first US billionaire before Ford became the second,  said ‘I don’t want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers.’ And Ford delivered said workers to his factories-in droves of drones to put the widgets together and at the time generally the best prevailing wage over just a century ago-$5/day. So naturally he was not a fan of organized labor which should not be a controversial opinion even today as then but then again Marx is still taught as gospel in some of our ivory towers still to this day after being fully de”bunked” decades ago. 

In short, again because you can’t judge the past by the present, while Henry’s thought crime of anti-Semitism back in the 20s was mostly publically denounced, with the money and power he had, well, he was pretty much untouchable. Heck, even Huxley decided to poke the bear in the early 30s when his dystopian novel, Brave New World, was published just as the 3rd Reich was taking hold in Germany.

In Aldous Huxley's dystopian society of Brave New World, the world dates its years as Annum Fordum, or "Year of Our Ford." Huxley's characters also use Henry's name as "Our Ford" instead of "Our Lord." 

Maybe he didn’t notice because after he got the assembly line perfected and the moola was rolling in on train boxes on the rails heading from River Rouge to Dearborn (where I went to elementary school for 5 years), perhaps he got bored because like a god, he came up with a new industrial utopian “place” dubbed Fordlandia starting in 1927-clearly named after himself like all powerful and deeply narcissist dudes do, deep in Brazilian Amazonia where the real rubber that hits the road resided. His mission  was to get a monopoly on the tire business. The project was fully abandoned in 1934 after little success, tons of wasted funds and lots of worker revolts, disease, death etc. due to the harsh working conditions in the jungle-it was no “fun” indoor air conditioned factory assembly line.

Henry once said according to the Ford News "People are never so likely to be wrong as when they are organized. And they never have so little freedom. Perhaps that is why the people at large keep their freedom. People can be manipulated only when they are organized." Kudos Henry. You got them doing that for over a century now-5-6 shifts a week, day after day, month after month, year after year. So despite being a full on Heb Hater, you can’t really be canceled can you Hank? After all, you saved all kinds of US and personal HISTORY ironically at this massive museum complex at Greenfield Village in Dearborn Michigan for good and for bad or otherwise.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Sir "Don" Grapes Cherry


So for week #2 with St. Patty's Day upcoming, alas we pivot to another miscreant birthed of sorts from our ancestors in the British Isles-”Sir” Don “Grapes” Cherry-who clearly loved that semi-secular holiday. Don’t worry, we’ll get to some AmeriKKKan soon enough. And yes, ladies soon after that.

Where to begin with ol’ Don? Well, he is a hockey AND Canadian legend (in that order, at least for me as a beer league player and a ½ Canuck on my pop’s side) for reasons you might not expect. He was mostly a footnote as a player, a minor league careerist who barely sniffed the NHL level during a long, grinding career doing so throughout both the 50s AND 60s mostly in the US and not Canada.

After his legs started to finally give out, he cut his teeth as an NHL head coach starting in the mid-70s, most notably for 5 seasons with the nasty ass Bawstin Bruins where he was named NHL coach of the year after the 75’ campaign and twice led them to the Stanley Cup finals. After that, he went onto even greater fame and notoriety as a commentator for the CBC (the Canadian Broadcasting Co.) for Hockey Night in Canada-a large nation wide TV audience watched him starting back in the days of still limited showing of hockey games at the onset of the 80s when it was still a huge deal before full on cable and 100 channels.

Anyway, curriculum vitae now divulged, what you can say about Don is that he is a true character with his flamboyant suits and caustic (and honest) opinions on just about everyone and everything. He is a true Canuck legend. He is one funny ass mofo. He is a blowhard. He is definitely a man’s man.

And naturally as he aged into his 2nd century on earth, he got pretty damn cranky as most old men are wont to do and tell all of the kids to get off of his lawn. He is beyond old school-perhaps he should have been ejected from his mother’s womb a century earlier when handlebar mustaches and men in 3 piece suits rocked the world instead?

In short, he is a beloved figure in modern Canadian history, for mostly good and for a little bad. I mean, in 2004, he was voted by Canadian viewers as the seventh-greatest Canadian of all-time in the CBC miniseries The Greatest Canadian. But, alas, in due time, the march of time always wins out and Don finally lost out to the skate blade edges of those who just don’t like certain things and will have their wrath.

So, with Canadians being all sweet and sugary like their beloved maple syrup, one would reckon that no one would mess with the “DON”. Well, naturally, you would be wrong. Donny Boy said a lot of outrageous “words” and “phrases” publicly over the next 40 years without my fanfare so to speak-most in good jest but he was certainly polarizing. Of course, the karma police eventually caught up to him recently. I mean, over the years he had already offended pretty much everyone over the years (hated Euro-fags playing Canada’s game-Americans were okay to do so but…) including broads pretty much all of the time but in now arguably the wokeist nation on earth, he crossed the line and mussed up some folk’s kind sensibilities and he needed to be fucked with of course.

Grapes had certainly proven controversial for making non-mainstream political commentaries and faced criticism for remarks regarding Canada's lack of support for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, insinuating that only "Europeans and French guys" wore visors on their helmets and denying climate change among other opinions that should certainly not be said if you are the wrong side of the political divide.

So in November 2019, he was canned by the “man” at Sportsnet from Hockey Night in Canada for his comments implying that Canadian immigrants benefit from the sacrifices of veterans but do not wear Remembrance Day Poppies. He used the toxic term “you people” and thus regardless of context and intent and any ex-post facto explanation, well, you just have to be run out of town these days for any sort of real or imagined verbal transgression like that-it was truly dangerous stuff to the feelings of so many brittle frozen folks out there in the vast tundra wasteland that is much of the Great White North!

Of course, he received a ton of support for his work in and around the great sport of hockey for decades but naturally, in this day and age, hold the wrong opinion and you get the ax so to speak-or at least a cross-check to the back instead of just ignored.

Regardless, he is still out there now at 88 with a “Grapevine” podcast and still doing some charitable activities related to pets and animals. So guess what? You can’t kill Grapes, you can only make him stronger.

In a way, he was just too easy guy to cancel-an anachronism from a bygone era who was just way too old to change with the times, particularly when we are in loco times. You know, like that crazy old funny uncle that every family seems to have, right? So sure, go ahead and cancel uncle-I doubt he would give a shit.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Welcome to the chopping block, you royal dandy British fobster, Sir Gilbert O'Sullivan!

Yo, First post of hopefully thousands over the next weeks, months and years since we all know there are a great majority of dead and almost dead white males worldwide that need to be taken to task for their digressions and heresies. Plus, a token few broads like Eva Braun and Eve. 

I doubt I will be prolific at all-no expectations on my end so none should be taken on your end-so I think one a week would mean about 1000 cancellations in around 20 years and you know what they say about a picture being worth a 1000 words so in the end maybe what I write will end of making a pretty picture in the end or some shit like that. You just never know. 

I mean, some old idiot once said, "You can not judge the past by the present". Really? WTF? Who was that douchebag? I think some old dude named Playdoh or something like that. No, you will NOW and FOREVER be judged harshly and with extreme prejudice for all eternity when dead of course and also now these days as well on this mortal coil. Oh well, good thing it has been proven there is no afterlife. To wit-our inaugural bastard...

Oh, say it isn't so, Gilbert-o! The mainstream dandy ass British fob singer/songwriter genius behind the 70s timeless pop classic "Alone Again (Naturally)" (hmm, perhaps that title is telling when it comes to broads-just a little foreshadowing here) just had to pen this extremely insane he-man "screed" against the better sex as late as 1974 at a time when the ol' Womyn's Lib movement was all raging pussy hair afire! 

I remember this clearly-I was 10 at the time and even back then the chicas in all hierarchies of my existence (they were friggin' everywhere-my mom, my neighbors' moms, the school bus driver, my teacher, the school secretary and on and on and on) were always telling me what to do like "Make your own din-din, you ding-dong" "And stop mocking the Polack kids". Jeez, just chill out, OK already?! 

So frankly, you can understand the kind of emotional trauma ol' Gilly was subjected to on a daily basis as AN ADULT! Regardless, this SSS (super sexist scumbag) needs to be canceled NOW once and for all even if his supposed gilded gentry island of England upbringing actually groomed him to engender this heinous attitude toward the fairer sex! I mean somehow he got away with this shit back in the days of the Firebird and Feathered Hair but certainly he must meet his maker and pay for this non-forward thinking transgression that he actually had the gall to put in WRITING (I mean, shit goddamn!) and be permanently removed from the pubic (sic) record both in analog AND digital historical documentation going forward for infinity. 

Anyway, final trigger warning before reading-must be 18+ AND not on your period!


Cha-Ching (!) Chong Cena

Remember that era when pretty much all of the pro "wrasslers" acts out there were based on the fact that the he-man was always ang...